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The compass : A human design program + CERTIFICATION

Orient yourself in the system of human design

Whether you want to deepen in the practice of living in alignment with your design or get certified to use human design in your work, you've come to the right place.

What's Included
Victoria Jane in a valley in Sedona
Human design is not about telling yourself what to do. 

It’s about remembering who you already are and trusting what you already know, so that you no longer need to look outside of yourself for which way to go. 

For the person who wants to embody the full expression of your design

The Compass is a comprehensive program for you to learn human design in a clear, down-to-earth manner, whether for yourself or as a practitioner.

You’ll walk away knowing how to:

  • Read charts - your own or your client’s - to understand what their energy, purpose, and gifts are to enhance your work together

  • Honor your intuition and decision-making process

  • Offer tailored lifestyle recommendations, including nutrition/diet, sleep, and exercise

  • Support your deeper purpose based on your type, profile, and gates

  • Reveal common shadows and inner child issues in the chart (subconscious / limiting beliefs)

In HD terms, you'll learn about:

  • All five types and their corresponding strategy, signature and not-self theme

  • All seven authorities, and the nuances of different variations of how authority is affected by type and other defined centers

  • The qualities, gifts, and challenges of each of the nine centers

  • The different ways each profile relates to the world and is driven to find purpose

  • Different learning styles (the brain and mind arrows)

  • Determination (aka digestive type)

  • The gifts of each of the gates

  • How gates come together to form channels

  • The foundational structure and importance of the red vs black, and their role in somatic vs personality consciousness

I’m ready to go deeper


Who is this program for?

The Compass is for anyone who is passionate about understanding the big picture in human design.

You’re ready to move beyond basics of your design to understanding how all the pieces fit together. You want to speak to other designs besides your own.

You’re ready for the deeper information like variable (arrows), gates, and how to honor all of your design’s complexity in your daily life. 

You’re ready to see the world through the lens of human design. 

Learning your design is a process, and there are two paths to support this: 

Whether you are a coach or healer who wants to offer tailored recommendations to your clients’ human design, or a parent who wants to care for your family better, here are some examples of folks who would be a good fit:

  • Business/career coach

  • Life coach

  • Nutritionist, NTP, or health coach

  • Entrepreneur or business leader 

  • Therapist

  • Physical/fitness trainer, physical therapist

  • Acupuncturist, energy healer 

  • Mindset, subconscious reprogramming, or manifestation guide 

  • Or aspiring to be one of these things! 

What recent grads are saying

→ Ultimately, you’re inspired by the potential of human design to change the world for the better, one person at a time. Maybe you don’t even know how you’ll use this information yet - you just know you’re fascinated and want to learn more. This is for you.

Who is this program for?

The Compass is for anyone who is passionate about understanding the big picture in human design. You’re ready to move beyond the basics into understanding how all the nuanced pieces of your design fit together. You want to get what it’s like to have other designs besides your own. You’re ready for the deeper information like variable (arrows), gates, and how to honor all of your design’s complexity in your daily life. 

You’re ready to see the world through the lens of human design. 

Learning your design is a process, and there are two paths to support this: 

The Certification

The Compass Certification includes 15+ modules of human design content, two 1:1 mentorship sessions to support your personal process, practice exercises, and a final practicum to ensure that you feel confident in your skills. If you desire to use human design as a tool to offer tailored recommendations to others, the Certification is for you.

Examples of folks who would be a good fit for the Certification:
• Business/career or life coach
• Entrepreneur or business leader
• Parent or teacher
• Nutritionist, NTP, or health coach
• Therapist
• Physical/fitness trainer, physical therapist
• Healer - energy, acupuncture, bodywork
• Mindset practitioner
• Anyone looking for an interactive, in-depth level of training

The Compass

For those not ready for a full certification but eager to dive deeper into human design, Compass standalone includes all content modules for you to self-study to orient you in the system of human design.

What recent grads are saying

What's included in Compass

Whether you take Compass standalone or choose to add a certification, you'll receive the following lessons:


You will learn :

Module 1: Type, Strategy, Signature + Not-self, Part 1 (energy types)
Module 2: Type, Strategy, Signature + Not-self, Part 2 (non-energy types)
Module 3: Authority - Honoring Our Different Intuitive Processes 
Module 4: Centers - Qualities, gifts, and challenges of being defined vs open 
Module 5: Lifestyle - Sleep, exercise, and learning styles 
Module 6: Eating + Nutrition - How type, brain + mind, and determination affect how we consume 
Module 7: Profile + Purpose 
Module 8: Gates + Channels, Part 1 
Module 9: Gates + Channels, Part 2 
Module 10: Gates + Channels, Part 3 
Module 11: Definition and Splits
Module 12: Astrology - How planetary filters affect gates
Module 13: Consciousness Wanting to Know Itself, an Intro to HD Cosmology (crystals, the monopole)
Module 14: The Red vs The Black
Module 15: Motivation and View 101
Certification: Reading 101. How to structure a reading, couples' reading, sample reading, and opening practice for handling nerves 

what other grads are saying

Amelia B

I got a full body “yes” (I’m a Generator) as soon as I listened to her announcement about the course and knew I wanted in. That feeling was solidified after reaching out and talking to Victoria more about what she was offering.

Before this class, I knew a little about the five energy types, and that was about it. Three months later, I’m giving readings to friends and family, which is exactly what I wanted to be able to do. I wanted to learn so that I could offer this information to the people in my world and hopefully give them some insights and fresh perspectives on their lives through the Human Design lens.

What I love about this course is that not only does Victoria give you all the information you need to be a Human Design reader, but she also gives you the tools you need to make your practice unique and fresh.

I feel confident giving readings now because I know how to read and explain Human Design in a way that will resonate, not only for myself as I filter out the information, but for the individual on the receiving end. Victoria encourages questions and discussions and empowers you to do the same, which makes for an incredibly engaging reading for everyone involved. I can’t recommend this class enough! If you’re looking to be a reader or just to learn as much as you can about Human Design, this is 100% the right course to take.

Amelia B
Maggie H

The Compass program was an instant, intuitive yes for me. When I first found Victoria’s work, I was about six months into a deep self-study of Human Design and knew I wanted to go further into the subject alongside a community.

Victoria’s natural genius shines so bright when it comes to breaking down the complexities of Human Design, and I feel so much more empowered in this work after being able to spend so much time with her.

But I think the most potent part of this program is in the community. The sessions felt more like a mastermind, where we were able to interact with each other and share our questions and experiences openly. This is what took me from a textbook-overview of Human Design to actually integrating it on a deeper level with myself and my clients.Victoria was so accessible and generous with her time and support, and she gave me the push I needed to start incorporating Human Design into my own work with clients. I am so grateful for Compass!

Maggie H
Pavithra B

Joining Compass was a no-brainer when I decided to dive deeper into human design.

I’m an intuitive mentor and I use human design to help my clients get in energetic alignment with their business.

I jumped at the chance to be part of  Compass so I could gain a better understanding of HD. I had previously had a reading with Victoria and I loved her insights into my chart.

Since joining her program, I’ve gained the confidence and knowledge to offer HD readings to my clients and have a deeper understanding of the people in my life. I loved the group dynamic of Compass and hearing about the experiences and perspectives of the other women so we could really see how HD can be applied to real life.

Victoria offers a safe and comfortable space for everyone to ask questions and really share their unique perspective. I highly recommend joining Compass. If you’re looking to expand your knowledge of human design and incorporate it into your business!

Pavithra B
Sandy Y

Before enrolling in Compass, I had taken a popular human design reader course a while back. While I was already doing readings and incorporating Human Design in my then health coaching practice, I wanted to feel more confident in my understanding and coaching when it comes to HD knowledge and tools.

Compass was really attractive to me because it is specifically designed for coaches. The community was so valuable as everyone shared their own, their friends', and clients’ experiences with different types, authorities, centers, profiles, gates, channels, etc. which truly deepened my understanding and how to coach my clients.

I also loved learning about specific areas I felt weak in. For example, I felt like I couldn’t work with Manifestors and Reflectors because they feel esoteric to me. It was great because I could just ask the group!

Victoria is a wealth of knowledge and a great coach and teacher. I loved learning from her Instagram and was stoked that she started Compass! Highly recommend!

Sandy Y
Tanya D

I seriously cannot say enough good things about the program. It has quite literally changed my life.

I am SO glad I decided to invest in myself and take Victoria's Compass Certification. Becoming a Human Design reader is something I had always dreamt of doing but never thought possible.

Victoria is the most wonderful teacher I ever could have asked for. She is without a doubt an expert in Human Design and is so incredibly generous with her knowledge. The live training format created such an amazing container for all of us to learn from each other’s experiences. I honestly had minimal knowledge going into the program; I knew the basics of each energy type but that was pretty much it.

I was blown away by the content of the program and feel fully equipped to embark on my own journey as a Human Design reader. Victoria did an incredible job of being flexible throughout the program to adapt to our needs as a group and truly created a fantastic learning environment. Whether you are looking to deepen your own knowledge about HD, implement it into your current line of work, or become a reader, I guarantee you will walk away with all of the tools you need, and more.

Tanya D
Hallie K

The most valuable aspects of Compass were the ability to process information in real time. I learn by discussing and asking questions and prior to this, I was learning HD on my own and had a lot to sort through. With this course, asking questions, having others ask questions, getting to discuss things together in Slack or on Zoom were invaluable.

I’ve enjoyed the ability to go deeper and understand HD on a deeper level. I have mostly applied this to just myself as I am still learning but am looking forward to using what I gain about myself and about the system in general with those around me.

Hallie K
Karen Anne O

I chose to learn from Victoria in the Compass program because I liked the way in which I could understand human design, how she explained and simplified some of the more complex aspects of human design.

I had been doing self-study in human design, looking at various resources, including the IHDS. Although I do really appreciate diving deep and listening to and reading from the Ra sources, I find what Victoria is able to distill is of great value to me. In particular the ways in which she relates the material to everyday situations. I’ve personally been able to understand my design more fully, live my human design experiment and feel more in the flow in my life. This is exciting and liberating.

In the past I worked as a psychotherapist primarily leading groups, workshops and retreats in NVC and qigong with a focus on relationships. I’ve done some readings for friends and family and many also report the benefit of understanding their unique design, letting go of expectations that don’t fit them. I am inspired to work again with families and couples using Human Design as a tool for more connection and understanding to deepen and enliven relationships.

I appreciate the dedication and depth of knowledge Victoria brings to her teaching. I consistently felt her attention and desire to be there for each of us. I know first hand teaching groups can be complex but she makes it look so easy with the way she is present and engaged. I think she has a very evolved skillset with the material and human dynamics that enhances the learning.

Karen Anne O
Chelsea S

I found Victoria after listening to a podcast and instantly fell in love with the way she shared information about HD. I very quickly became enamored with wanting to become certified so I could support my 1:1 clients with better understanding who they are and how they work best as it relates to their online businesses. I couldn't pull myself away from only wanting to devour information about my own design, so I joined the Compass Certification.

I immediately started telling and practicing Human Design on everyone I could. Not long after, I had a friend OFFER to pay me for her mini reading and my bookings haven't stopped.

I started booking paid readings pretty early on in the program because the information Victoria offered was so easy to understand and implement and left me both excited and confident to share the information with others.

I now support my clients fully with Human Design intensives and integrate it into my 1:1 work with them and it has been both permission-giving and life-changing to say the least.

Thank you Victoria for all that you do and all that you've shared with me over the last 12 weeks.

Chelsea S
Yael M

I highly recommend Victoria Jane’s Compass. I took the course to deepen my human design knowledge and Victoria delivered that and so much more. Victoria is intuitive, wise, caring and created a nurturing space for my development. I really enjoyed having the community aspect on Slack which was very supportive. I feel more confident using the knowledge I gained to benefit my human design journey!

Yael M
Michell B

In this program I really got to dive deep, and also see how everything came together. You have been so present and have shown up so much more than I had ever imagined. You created such a safe space, with room for all kinds of questions, and the space to share thoughts and experiences. I really don’t think you ever missed answering a question or making me reflect on things.

I’ve loved being a part of it, and I could just keep doing it ☺️❤️

Michell B
Ashley D

I started Compass with a lighthearted attitude, excited by the opportunity to learn more about my own Human Design, but what I left the program with far exceeded any of my expectations.  

Throughout the program I gained the confidence and clarity I needed to create my own Human Design business catered to writers, and am now getting ready for launch! Victoria teaches Human Design in a way that is approachable and fun, yet thorough. If you want to learn how to apply Human Design concepts in a practical way in an environment that is inclusive and welcoming, you’ve found it!

Thanks again for all that you do! It was a fun and enlightening journey.

Ashley D
Danielle L

I decided to join Compass as a way to deepen my understanding of Human Design. I’d been diving into my chart on my own and really wanted to understand the intricacies and how to apply it. I also have a dream of starting a business in a related field so this allowed me to satisfy my curiosity with energetics and how it can be embodied.

What I really love about Victoria is the way she distills information down in a relatable way. Her examples of the content bring it to life and make it easier to talk about and integrate into my own life. Her passion and excitement for HD are so authentic and engaging that I’m wanting more after each class!

Now I feel better able to give myself permission to take time with decisions, whereas before I was rushing to meet others at their pace. I realize my pace is right for me and I can confidently communicate that to others. This course has been great to learn more about myself, family and friends! It is also a fun conversation starter!

Danielle L
Brent R

I decided to join Compass after my first Human Design reading with Victoria. She explained my chart and the information resonated in so many ways. In short, she read me like a book. After my reading, I was processing the information I was given and, just like that, I knew then and there that I wanted to become a Human Design reader.

Before Compass, I had been studying Human Design on my own for about two years, which involved a lot of rabbit holes that left me more confused than when I started. This program has given me clarity. What a gift! Victoria presents the material in an approachable and straightforward manner. The roundtable discussions with my classmates were interesting, insightful, and fun.

Human Design has become a lens through which I perceive myself and others, a language that I'm learning to speak, and a powerful tool of awareness that I am learning to wield. I'm so grateful for this experience and the knowledge I have been given. I can't recommend this program enough.

Brent R
Kaily B

I feel so grateful to have found Victoria and Compass! I have been working towards understanding human design and more specifically my own design for the past two years. Being a projector (and a mental projector at that) can oftentimes feel overwhelming and taking the course not only taught me approachable ways to navigate that and clarity around my design, but also gave me a platform to learn more about Compass in a manner that supported my learning style.

From the way Victoria organizes the class (notes, calls, homework, etc) to the support provided over Slack, you really cannot go wrong with choosing the Compass Certification as your HD reader course.

Additionally, the insights you get from others sharing the way their different chart attributes show up is invaluable and something you really can’t get from just going through a self-paced, pre-recorded course. I feel like I now have the tools I need to read other human design charts and help them to live in more alignment (what a beautiful gift)! If you're on the fence about Compass (lean into your authority ;) and just go for it!

Kaily B

Program options




  • 15 pre-recorded content modules

  • 50+ detailed pages of PDF downloadable lesson notes and slides

  • Discounted 1:1 sessions

  • Option to get certified

  • Lifetime access

Payment plan option also available here.



  • Everything in Compass, plus:

  • Three 1:1 mentorship sessions

  • New classes added seasonally

  • Practice exercises paired with each module for integration

  • Completion of a minimum of three practice readings required

  • Final practicum with 1:1 feedback*

  • Community: Connect and share with other like-minded practitioners

Runs periodically.
Join the waitlist below to be notified when enrollment is open.

*Enrollment opens Spring/Summer 2022

*A max of one resubmission for final practicum is allowed. If further support is needed, we will develop a custom plan which may include additional mentorship.

How can this transform my practice?

Elevate your offerings & get more powerful results for your clients by tailoring the experience to them.


You will learn to:

Speak your clients’ language and teach them to trust themselves more
Offer a shortcut to understanding their limiting beliefs. Where were they most likely to pick up conditioning?
Go deeper into mindset work and rewiring outdated beliefs
Avoid applying a “one-size-fits-all” approach
Align physical and energetic healing protocols to their unique energy for more effective results
Align physical and energetic healing protocols to their unique energy for more effective results
Coach to their natural strengths: teach them to sell, market, and attract clients in the way that feels most comfortable to them.
Set sustainable goals: determine how much they should work, whether they should be more strategic vs intuitive, disciplined vs spontaneous
Get at the root emotional blocks keeping you from stellar results, picked up from conditioning
Pinpoint the most impactful ways to reduce their stress and anxiety
Still have questions?
Not sure which option is best for you?

Fill out the application below to schedule a 20 minute connection call to discuss!

schedule a consult

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I take Compass and decide if I want to get certified later?
After taking Compass, you can choose to get certified later at any point.

Within the program, you'll find directions on how to add on the certification when you're ready. We've designed Compass to have lifetime access so you can continue experimenting and choose to go deeper when it feels aligned!
What level of experience or familiarity do I need? 
We have a mix of experience levels, from beginners ready to dive in to those who have been self-studying for several years and want to tie everything together. The ultimate deciding factor is what your own authority is telling you. 

If you choose to get certified, the one suggestion we make is to receive a reading at some point before you start offering human design to others so you have a personal experience informing what and how you share.
Will I be able to read charts after this? How is this different from a reader training?
Yes, you will learn how to interpret a chart (yours or anyone else’s) in Compass. 

If you choose to get certified, there is also a focus on how to take the information in the chart take it a step further as it applies to real-life situations. For example, if you are working with the parent of a child with ADHD who has a R passive brain/R receptive mind, how can you help support their design to get enough rest? The content and examples used in Q&A calls often will be more holistic in nature. 

TLDR: Yes, you’ll be able to read charts. The difference between a reader training and Compass certification is the intention and scope of preparing you to support others as a practitioner using human design as a tool for self-understanding.
Can I take the certification anyway, even if I don’t plan on being a practitioner? 
Yes, absolutely! We have had plenty of folks in Compass before who intend to use what they learn for personal growth and to enrich their relationships. In fact, we often hear from them it was one of the best investments they’ve made in a long time. 
Is there a textbook for this course?
We recommend this book. Those who are new to human design (or even not-so-new!) have shared the language feels a bit esoteric or intimidating - that’s okay! 

Our preference for the Definitive Guide is two-fold: 

1. We want to teach you how to fish, and Compass is a friendly hand to hold onto as you dip your toe into the water of source material. (Source material meaning what was shared from directly the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu). Each module, there is optional reading in the book that is paired with the lesson. While it’s completely optional to skip this, many students find they enjoy being able to compare and contrast the content from the lesson with the material from the book to deepen their comprehension.

2. Getting comfortable with source material paves the way for more confidence and learning in the future...should you choose to go even deeper!
How long will I have access to this course?
You receive lifetime access with Compass.
CERTIFICATION: When will the next round of the be?
Compass Certification typically runs once or twice a year. Add yourself to the waitlist to be notified when it reopens.

The Certification includes three 1:1 sessions to support you in your personal experiment, which is the foundation for how you share this system, and to review client charts.
CERTIFICATION: Do I have to attend all the calls? If I can’t make it, will they be recorded? 
For any live group calls (which run when new material is added to the course), you do not need to attend live. Calls are recorded for you to watch at your convenience. 
What is the difference between HDCC and Compass?
In summary: The modules inside Compass remain the same as those that were in HDCC (both Self-Paced and Live), but we’ve spaced out the Certification (formerly HDCC Live) to take place over six months for more space to learn and integrate

Other details: 
1. In both Compass and the Certification, you receive lifetime access to the course. We have found past students continue to integrate design into their lives, and with the new format, you can choose to get certified later at any point in your journey.

2. The Certification has been streamlined: You will be required to submit a 60m final practicum to complete the program. (Note: If we identify that you still need practice, you may resubmit once more. Afterward, we will develop a custom plan which may include additional mentorship).